The Coalition for Transforming Higher Education Funding (“The Coalition”) collaborated with Chicago State University to host a listening session about funding Illinois’ public universities.
In 2024, the Coalition kicked off, “The Time is Now: Equitably Funding Our Public Universities,” a series of community events across the state that brings together students, advocates, legislative leaders, and university faculty and staff to discuss the Adequate and Equitable Funding Formula for Public Universities Act (SB 13 / HB 1581). This new, historic legislation is the result from the recommendations by the Commission on Equitable Public University Funding. The Commission met for over two and a half years to develop a funding formula and strategy that better meets the needs of every university in our state.

The Chicago State event honed in on the needs of the university and surrounding community, while also discussing the potential enhancements to the student experience when this legislation is signed into law.

CSU President Z Scott laid the foundation for the day, providing a brief history of the current funding system and called on all present to fight for SB 13 / HB 1581.
“Our current system is flawed and not based on students’ needs. This is a policy that will close the gap for access, affordability and student success,” President Scott said. “Being here today means you are committed to student equity. Be a voice for change. Make this vision a reality.
“I look forward to this discussion and the future we’re building ahead.”
Two researchers then provided the audience with additional context about the origins of the Adequate and Equitable Funding Formula for Public Universities Act. Advance Illinois’ Eyob Villa-Moges and the Partnership for College Completion’s Mike Abrahamson explained legislation–from concept to current status.
“Not just affordability is affected. It impacts university operations and the student experience,” Villa-Moges said. “CSU is not an outlier. Inadequate funding puts additional pressure to fill the gap in academic student spending.”

Abrahamson added that “a part of this legislation is a hold-harmless; no university will be punished. All institutions need funding to get to adequacy. A really important part is distribution. It really matters how we are giving out whatever increase is coming next year.”
The stacked panel took over following the data and research portion of the presentation. Moderating was State Representative Carol Ammons, who along with Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford, serves as legislative co-chairs for the bill.
“[Illinois] spends a lot of money on a lot of things. But we have to put our priorities on the table. Is higher education funding a priority? I’m going to put it to the General Assembly that, yes it is a priority,” Rep. Ammons said. “It is quite complicated but it’s the first time in my career we’ve decided to go to the root of the problem. This bill represents the solution to a long-standing problem.”

The rest of the panel discussion presented practical impacts of adequate and equitable funding on an institution and the community. Here are the highlights:
Senate Majority Leader Kimberly Lightford
- I’m one of those lived experiences. I’m a first-generation college student. [Going to college] created opportunities for me and my child, but also opened the door for my nieces and nephews. It’s important to know what you believe in, fight for what you believe in, and create the opportunities for others to come through that door.
- We know that we are fighting challenges at the federal level. But take your eyes off that and look at the challenges at home. What I love about this formula is that it doesn’t matter who’s in the governor’s office or who’s in the administrative offices at the universities. It’s a funding model to help out the most. It’s the fairness that can’t be touched based on who’s in the office.
- [Regarding backing the SB 13] I needed information, not from what I knew I knew, but from what the experts (the Commission on Equitable Public University Funding) told us. We needed the knowledge only they could give us and help form what you see in the bill. It’s supported by data, research, and advocacy. We’re empowering people to live good lives for themselves and live beyond their circumstances. They have options–not barely survive. Education is empowering. Once you earn it, no one can take it from you. All people need that opportunity.

Melinda Kelly, Chatham Business Association
- We just finished our contract with the Biden/Harris Administration to work with businesses around the world. Where is the educated workforce to execute contracts like these? If it wasn’t for Chicago State creating a curriculum for students to go out into the community to “wire” these businesses. You got to have students involved in real-time industries.
- If the United States wants to be competitive on the international level, we have to change at our level.
Joeysha Dobbins, Hope Chicago
- [Working at Hope Chicago] shows me what happens when you put resources behind programs and institutions.
- This legislation is critical because we want to keep talent in Illinois and in Chicago. If students have more affordable options out of state, they will leave. Also, we can’t deny a large portion of our population [access to college] and expect to see progress in the state.
Dr. Judith Birgen, Chicago State University
- I’ve been at this university for over 20 years and I don’t need to go back that far to recognize the inadequacies. I can go back to last night.
- We tend to have heavier loads at colleges like CSU, which impacts time with students. President Scott and our union have teamed up to help, but we don’t have the tools and resources in place like other universities have for research. A lot of professors struggle with inadequate labs and resources.

Robii Bijou, Senior Student – Chicago State University
- The Honors College is one of the best things that has happened to me in my life. It’s funding my education and I’ll graduate debt free. It’s not easy for my peers. I don’t have to worry about not registering for the next semester, working 2-3 jobs, and taking out loans. For the university, this legislation will help retention and graduation rates, as well as increase alumni network and enhance the Southside.
Idris Muhammad, Senior Student – Chicago State University
- I’m a member of the Honors College. I’m able to fund fall and spring semesters, but summer is not covered. I also have to pay for housing, books, and have other expenses. I’m also looking to complete a postgraduate degree for physical therapy. That’s going to be costly and scholarships don’t come easily at the gradate levels. Money is a big issue, especially at CSU where you have people coming from low income backgrounds and money is tight. We have a lot of talent here but the “almighty dollar” is in the way.

Lisa Castillo Richmond, Executive Director at the Partnership for College Completion, wrapped up the day with a call for change. “This data is extremely inconvenient. We can’t unsee it. This formula is about adequacy. It’s about stability. Higher education is unfinished busines. We need to get this across the finish line.”